Highlights for News

Powerful Speakers for Black History Month

Every February, organizations across the country dedicate the month to celebrating Black History Month and the rich legacy of African American culture, achievements, and resilience. We are proud to represent speakers whose unique insights will inspire and educate your audience.

Tips for Accessible Events

Emily Ladau, author of <em>Demystifying Disability</em> and an internationally celebrated disability rights activist, talks about her experience doing a typical speaking event and shares tips for accessible events.

Looking Back at #ALAAC23

Catch up on what our speakers were up to at #ALAAC23, download FREE bookmark files, browse our library speakers, and learn more about the ARCs that flew off of the Penguin Random House tables at this year's conference.

Building Stronger Leaders

These trailblazing experts and thought leaders speak on how to unleash creativity, champion diversity, equity, and inclusion, and cultivate better workplace cultures to prepare organizations for the challenges that lie ahead.

PRHSB at ALA 2023

&nbsp; Penguin Random House is headed to Chicago for ALA Annual 2023! Stop by Booth #2814 to speak to a Speakers Bureau representative and learn more about how to bring...

How to Support the Well-Being of your Employees

PRHSB is proud to represent these speakers who are committed to inspiring and motivating audiences to improve their wellness. These respected experts share advice, tips, and personal stories for nurturing healthier and more fulfilling lifestyles.