Predicting the future in a fast-changing world is almost impossible, but these speakers’ clear-eyed expertise allows them to share informed and surprising insights that help audiences face uncertainty armed with information and optimism. From agriculture and medicine to cybersecurity and urban living, these futurists are available for remote and in-person engagements to explain the technology of tomorrow so we can thrive today.
David Ewing Duncan
Award-winning science and technology journalist and bestselling author of Talking to Robots
David Ewing Duncan is an award-winning science and technology journalist who helps audiences recognize the limitless possibilities of remarkable advances like artificial intelligence, synthetic biology, and telemedicine. In his latest book, Talking to Robots, and his engaging lectures, he describes how these extraordinary inventions will become part of our daily lives, revolutionizing medicine, education, and commerce, and eventually changing our understanding of humanity. Duncan’s realistic and thoughtful insights ask us to take both the upsides and downsides of powerful new tech seriously as we enter what he calls the Early Robot Era.
Marc Goodman
Global security advisor, futurist, and New York Times bestselling author of Future Crimes
Global security expert and Future Crimes author Marc Goodman is one of the most trusted voices on cybersecurity issues, establishing himself as an authority on securing a life lived digitally well before hacks and data leaks became regular news items. Goodman has educated thousands of individuals and dozens of organizations on practical ways to ensure their safety in a world of unpredictable threats that evolve with stunning speed. An accomplished speaker who balances the sobering realities of cybersecurity threats with actionable strategies for protection, Goodman empowers audiences to take control of their digital security without sacrificing the opportunities of technological innovation.
Paul Greenberg
James Beard Award-winning author of the New York Times bestseller Four Fish: The Future of the Last Wild Food and American Catch: The Fight for Our Local Seafood
The James Beard Award-winning author of the New York Times bestseller Four Fish, Paul Greenberg is the primary authority on seafood and marine sustainability. He lectures widely on ocean sustainability, the culinary history of fish and shellfish and the many complex health issues surrounding seafood consumption.
Edward Humes is a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist who addresses our national waste crisis, the environmental consequences of our global supply chain, and identifies paths to sustainability. He also deftly examines the history of transportation and the important issues and questions our “have-it-now” economy has on our world and its future.
Bren Smith
Restorative ocean farmer, co-founder of GreenWave, and author of Eat Like a Fish
As a young fisherman, Bren Smith found himself troubled by the destruction the commercial trawlers he worked on left behind on the ocean floor. In response, he pioneered a technique called 3D ocean farming, taking a revolutionary approach to growing seafood in a way that absorbs carbon, acts as storm surge protection, and restores water quality while creating food and employment for the surrounding community. In his talks, he shares his story of ecological redemption and provides a ray of hope in the discourse surrounding our environment with his compelling solution to climate change.
Alice Waters
Chef, author, activist, and founder of Chez Panisse restaurant and the Edible Schoolyard Project
Founder of Chez Panisse restaurant and the Edible Schoolyard Project Alice Waters is internationally recognized as the pioneer of a movement that advocates for just, sustainable, and organic food. Over the course of 40 years, she has been passionately committed to finding the highest-quality, seasonal ingredients that are both sustainable and locally sourced. She speaks on the importance of edible education in our school system, food ethics and values, just and sustainable agriculture, and the transformative power of growing, cooking, and sharing food.