Education Speakers

These education author speakers do more than build better schools: they build better lives. Their ideas and programs re-imagine our approaches to education for all, from infancy to adulthood.

Bill Burnett

Executive Director of the Design Program at Stanford and co-author of the #1 New York Times-bestselling book Designing Your Life

Carlotta Walls LaNier

Youngest of the Little Rock Nine, civil rights advocate, National Women's Hall of Fame inductee

Dr. Dana Suskind

Pediatric physician and author of Thirty Million Words: Building a Child's Brain and Parent Nation

More Education Speakers

Dave Evans

Co-author of the #1 New York Times-bestselling book Designing Your Life

Hahrie Han

Political scientist, Director of SNF Agora Institute, and leading expert on social movements

Paco de Leon

Personal finance expert and author of Finance for the People

Lauren Markham

Journalist and author of The Far Away Brothers and A Map of Future Ruins

Carine McCandless

Author of New York Times bestseller The Wild Truth and consultant and contributor to Jon Krakauer's book and Sean Penn's critically acclaimed film Into the Wild

Matt de la Peña

New York Times-bestselling author of books for children and young adults
Penguin Random House Speakers Bureau